
The transverse scientific and technical network REacTION has for main objective to gather scientists, students and technicians INRA and not-INRA working on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate the interactions plants – bio-aggressors and symbiotic organisms. The organisms concerned by this network are varied and may include plants (Arabidopsis, Apple tree, Tomato, Colza), bio-aggressors (nematodes, aphids, fungi, bacteria, protists or viruses) as well as symbiotic organisms (symbiotic ectomycorrhizal ones in particular).

A central objective of this network is to contribute to the training of researchers, technicians and students working in the field of Epigenetics of interactions. Technical training concerns techniques of detection of the epigenetic marks and chromatin structures as well as the associated bio-computing analyses.

A second objective of the network is to promote sharing, exchange and communication to accelerate research actions and to guide the future research orientations of the member laboratories while favoring the emergence of common transverse themes.

Redactor: NP

Isabelle.fudal@inra.fr, melanie.jubault@agrocampus-ouest.fr, gael.le-trionnaire@inra.fr, nadia.ponts@inra.fr